Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Technology changing farmers lives

Many think that technology is only for the rich or corporates or developed nation. No. Farmers are benefiting from technology, they are now selling vegetables and other agri produce on commodities sites http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/2008/06/02/stories/2008060250861700.htm . Farmers in ooty are really getting a better price and have realised that they were being cheated by the middle men till date.

Use and Get Paid

I was reading an article last week and was impressed by the business model, its a usual practice around the world to have Pay and Use toilet but in a small town in Tamil Nadu (india), you get paid to use the toilet. The person who came up with this idea is going to make use of the urine waste to create manure. This concept has made the locals use the toilet instead of their usual practice of using the open fields.
This seems to be a great idea and should be used to bring about a change in people as it cost not more than Rs30/person/month i.e. less than a $.